Sowerby Bridge Rushbearing Hymn

We had an amazing time at the Sowerby Bridge Rushbearing weekend on Saturday and Sunday. Gruelling, but amazing!

On Sunday, those of us who felt up to going to the church service even got the honour of pulling the cart up the hill. Fantastic! Not something I ever thought I would be able to do, and now something I will brag about until everyone’s sick of it.

The church service was also wonderful, both funny and moving, and I smuggled out an order of service so I could share the Rushbearing Hymn, which did honestly make me tear up a little.

Rushbearing Hymn

Today we come from town and fell

The cart adorned, the hills we climb

We sing the hymns we love so well

And worship at this rushbearing time.


The Ryburn streams, the Calder flows

Though generations pass away

And still our old tradition goes

From ancient past to present day.


Beside the Church our forebears sleep

Their spirits witness with our throng

How good to see the children keep

Our ancient feast with prayer and song.


Our garlands fall, our rushes fade

Man’s day is but a passing flower

Lord of thy mercy send us aid

And grant thy life’s eternal dower.